Psychotherapy Nottingham

Here at Riverside Natural Health Centre we take a multidisciplinary and dynamic view of psychotherapy and mental health. For that reason we offer a range of services to suite each individual.

Below is a range of services designed to aid you on your path to mental wellness. Some you will notice have mediators such as Massage or Herbal Medicine to aid in the process.


Somatic Informed Acupuncture

Somatic informed acupuncture is a body-based psychotherapy in which it works on the emotions and traumas not just looking at how they impact you but more so where they are impacting and residing within the body. Working to release the built-up tensions and discomforts that are keeping the traumatic response to the event happening.

The sessions start off with time talking about various issues and digging into them slowly. Not to have to repeatedly retell the story, but brushing the edges enough to explore how and where it makes you feel and then exploring more of these feelings and neurological responses to the event. Often looking into repetitive feelings, including coping mechanisms, that can linger and come in from various traumatic events. After this acupuncture is used to help you feel deeper and more relaxed into these areas. The gentle release of the physical muscles after the talking from the consultation allow for it to be an actual holistic session. During this time sound therapy or guided meditation/hypnotherapy may also be used to help the relaxation and calm the thoughts. After there is a smaller talk on how the session was and any feelings that have come up.

This utilises the psychotherapeutic aspects of acupuncture in which every session and every client that comes in gets a treatment unique to their situation. There is no standardised diagnosis model or areas that must be needled as such. It works in with areas in the body that these feelings reside in either drawing the neurological sensations closer to this or away from it. Due to this, unlike lots of other acupuncture approaches often only a few needles are used rather than lots.

The main difference between the Somatic informed acupuncture and massage is that the massage has a lot more physical contact between you and the practitioner whereas the acupuncture has only a little contact to feel the areas where the needles will go mainly. If you are unsure which of the two is best for you, don’t worry as it’s the same practitioner and the same room it can easily be switched. Equally feel free to drop James a message to ask. Often though most people will use a combination of the two. Both are just as capable of creating the same level of healing it just depends upon which style you believe would suit you.

Somatic Informed Massage

In a somatic-informed massage session with James, the focus is on releasing the emotions, stresses and trauma that are stored within the body. The gentle and caring touch mixed in with the guidance to explore the feelings deeper and allow for a lot deeper approach than just sat retelling the story of what has happened.

While this is classed as a type of massage it is an extremely gentle starting off exploring various areas of the body often into joints and the various postural alignments it then focuses more into the areas where the traumas and emotions area stored. Often which visualisation aids mentioned to you during the session or statements to recite and notice the change.

Along with making you feel very relaxed after the session, this takes a far deeper approach in that it works on the emotions stored within the body and parasympathetic nervous system. Encouraging the body to complete the processing of these and then to release them. James often explains it as similar to how an app on your phone may crash in the background and needs that attention to help it complete and then close. It’s the same here, giving  it the attention and extra support needed. Processing the rest of the stored emotion and event DOES NOT mean having to relive and go through the whole event again. More so slowly taking further through past where you got to last time until it is completed.

Each session is personalised to your specific needs, with James providing a nurturing space to explore the connection between your physical tension and emotional experiences. Somatic-informed massage can help reduce stress, anxiety, and trauma-related tension, promoting relaxation, emotional healing, and overall well-being.

The main difference between the Somatic informed acupuncture and massage is that the massage has a lot more physical contact between you and the practitioner whereas the acupuncture has only a little to feel the areas where the needles will go mainly. If you are unsure which of the two is best for you, don’t worry as it’s the same practitioner and the same room it can easily be switched. Equally feel free to drop James a message to ask. Often though most people will use a combination of the two. Both are just as capable of creating the same level of healing it just depends upon which style you believe would suit you.

Psychotherapeutic Herbal Medicine

In a psychotherapeutic herbal medicine session with Martin, the focus is on your emotional and mental well-being, supported by the use of natural remedies. Combining psychotherapy with the healing power of plants, Martin offers a holistic approach that addresses both your mind and body. This unique form of therapy uses carefully selected herbs to complement the psychotherapeutic process, helping to bring balance and relief from emotional difficulties.

During your sessions, Martin will listen to your concerns and work with you to understand the underlying causes of emotional distress. Together, you will explore both psychological and herbal treatment options tailored to your individual needs. Martin’s expertise in psychotherapeutic herbal medicine ensures that each remedy is selected to support your mental health while encouraging emotional healing and growth.

This integrative approach aims to promote well-being, offering a natural and therapeutic path to emotional resilience and self-discovery.


In a humanistic psychotherapy session with Naomi, the focus is entirely on you and your personal journey. Using a person-centred approach, Naomi provides a safe, empathetic, and non-judgemental space where you are free to explore your thoughts and emotions. The goal of this form of psychotherapy is to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, empowering you to find your own path to healing and growth.

Naomi believes that every individual has the inner resources to overcome challenges, and she will guide you in uncovering those strengths. In each session, Naomi will offer empathy, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard, ensuring you feel fully supported throughout the therapeutic process.

This approach to counselling encourages self-exploration, helping you to develop greater self-awareness, confidence, and acceptance. Whether you’re dealing with past experiences, present challenges, or future uncertainties, Naomi is here to help you on your journey to personal growth and emotional well-being.

How many psychotherapy sessions will I need?

Each person is different and some need more and some need less but the average person will attend weekly sessions for about 12 weeks.

Booking your psychotherapy session

Booking with either Martin or James can be done simply on the booking form below. Naomi often works from her office in Woodthorpe and  for booking/enquires please email [email protected] with your contact details and she will arrange a chat to book you in.